Friday, September 25, 2009

I Love Homosexual people

I love homosexual people. I have a good friend who is one and an aunt. They are just like everyone else because they are made in the image of God. All peoples are made in the image of God no matter who you are and should be treated with value.Thus also from a Christian perspective All of us share the same heritage coming from our father Adam.

Not even a full blown evolutionist can make this claim because in the system of evolution: the strong prevail over the weak and what doesn’t allow for the furtherance of a race is allowed to die of.

So this brings me to my next point concerning our Father Adam. In beginning or the book of Genesis God makes man from the dust of the earth and breathes life into him and makes male and female in his image.
But the question you might ask is: why aren’t we all perfect if God is perfect and we are made in His image? Well God is a just God and is not a dictator who forces people to love Him but gives them a choice. Thus he set a tree in the garden which he commanded them not to eat from. But they ate and then because God is perfect and His person demands in and of itself perfection man was cursed for his disobedience and sent out from the Garden.

Thus all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” All peoples were thus born separated from God and sinful. No one sin was greater than another. And so the sin of lusting after or having sex with a person of the same sex is just as sinful as lying, stealing, having sex outside of marriage, and many other.  Sin is the opposite of God’s character and thus since we sinned we were all marred. If I lust after a women in my heart it is no different than another person lusting after someone of the same sex. Before God we all stand equally guilty and there is no way to pay God off with works because God’s person demands perfection.

All persons are left hopeless if we are left to try to please God on our own. But God loved us so much that He came in the form of a man and died for us!! Salvation then come when we believe that the only way he can stand before God is based solely off of the death Jesus and not our own works as:

Ephesians 2: 8-9 “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.”

So its by Grace which is defined as “God giving us something freely that we don’t deserve”. We trust in God to save us, not by our own Works or effort, But solely based on God’s Gift we are be saved and brought back to God.

So all are equal before God and should be treated as so. It is no harder for a person who struggles with same sex issues to be saved then is a man who struggles with chronic masturbation. They both have to deal with their lifestyles as sin. So I don’t believe I should call people who struggle with Homosexuality Homosexuals or gays anymore because that is like calling a man who masturbates a Masturbator or labeling a person who lies as a liar.

For we are all sinners before God. But God loves us so much that he calls us into a relationship with him. And instead of labeling us Homosexual or Liar or Thief He wants to call us Sons and Daughters of the Most High God. He calls us thus into a relationship with him who is Creator, All-powerful- All-knowing, love and holy. He will meet all of our true needs that the things of this earth can’t. Trust in Him for He is perfect and knows best and loves you, for he made you to dance in his presence and to enjoy him and his creation. And the real reason He has these standards is because it lines up with who He is and the way He wired the Universe. So will you embrace this loving God who desires to call you His Sons and Daughters?

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Two Need to Have Books

These are two books which you must have:

10 Books which Screwed up the world By: Benjamin Wicker

This book will help you to understand what thinkers helped to shape our views in the western world.

& The Universe Next door By: James Sire:
This book will help you to understand what people believe and what thoughts under gird their actions.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Why all of these Rules?

Commands, Authority, Rules, Restrictions.

These are all words that we in American especially dislike. We dislike them because since we come out of the womb we have been told that life is all about us. From Fast food, to Televisions, to Ads, etc. We are driven by freedom or power. We want power and control over our own lives. All of us, me included. That’s why we complain so much if things don’t go our way. And whenever we have bosses, parents, teachers etc, telling us what to do us we try to duck them every chance we get.

This mindset is no different in the heart of many Christians. And honestly it is in my heart in so many ways. The reason for this is that we have taken our examples of Authority and placed them as labels upon God. And when God commands something we begin to question it and try to duck it. What we are really saying is that God is wicked and has no idea what you need. But isn’t that insane that We think the God of the universe who holds all things together with His hands and yet came down in the form of man to die for us, doesn’t know what we need? How can this be?

So when I came to a scripture in first John I too began to question my initial reaction to this verse:
1 John 5:3 “For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments. And his commandments are not burdensome.“

My initial reaction was a wow, How can this be? Because you see in my own life I have so many times done what is contrary to what God has commanded. In essence I have called Him wicked. See when someone commands something it is a direct expression of who they are. Take for example Adolf Hitler. He commanded the thousands to be killed yet never did it with his own hands. But in his commands he shows his heart. Thus in God commands he shows his Person and Heart.

This then leads me to a claim that the apostle John makes in First John about who God is, that “God is Love”. Thus if God is love then anything he tells us to do will be out of love and for our good. Let’s take for example the one of the Ten Commandments. “Thou shalt not commit adultery” which Jesus takes even further “Do not lust after a woman in your heart”. We could see this command as God being Authoritarian and not letting us have sex. Really what He is saying is Lust/Sex outside of marriage is not the way I made things to be and if you go against it things will be bad. This has been proven by millions of experiences of hurt and pain from sex outside of marriage and how it keeps you in its cords. But what God is also saying is that the things he commands against are opposite of His Person and thus sin. See sin is just the opposite of God’s person and God must punish it. That is why Jesus came to take our punishment for sin and reconcile us to God! That when we trust in Christ alone to save us He will and as Christians we continue to come back to who God is, and Submit to His Ruling in our lives.

So in conclusion, Will you see God’s rules as a Burden or will you see God behind them pleading to your heart to go His way and fall deeper in love with Him and not yourself and sin?

The Power of Words.

As Christians we are called to a higher standard in our speech.