*Please pardon the mistakes and ask for clarification if needed for I wrote this Critique and have not gotten any review of it yet.
Article Critique
The article that is in question brings into question the majority Republican ruled Congress’s first steps in office. Author David Weigel’s Thesis is that the Democratic party wishes to use the Republican majorities decision to Change the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act to no longer counting “rape” as federally funded for abortions but only counting “Forcible rape”. This decision by the Republican’s Wiegel says will be the primary focus for the Democrats to win favor.
Wiegel’s primary focus is on Democratic Rep. Steve Israel’s tactics to discredit the Republicans. Though Wiegel clearly presents his Thesis, which can’t really be argued with due to it’s explanatory nature, the really force of argument should and will in this Critique be place upon Rep. Israel’s, the Democratic GOP and Wegiel’s arguments against the Republican actions. Their approach is very clearly laid out in this arguments but their arguments fail when poked at with simple questions. Many things are presumed when they are making their defense that need be called into question when intelligent men and women are seeking the truth. The truth that I wish to bring out is the reality of their arguments and the truth that Christianity brings to the table.
In his first attempt to make an argument against the Republicans Weigel points out the fact that this step that they have made has “started the biggest backlash in the short, otherwise happy life of the new Republican House. “He then goes on the sight The Daily Show as proof of this backlash. This support doesn’t seem very weighty due to the fact that this show slants towards his view. Another reason this proof isn’t valid is due to the shows treatment of the issue that is very cynical one and doesn’t even reason out how the Republicans change might have been rational to save infants lives.
Throughout this article they continue to bash while only considering the issues core with a few quotes from Pro-Choice heads. They bash them by saying the changing of terms in a ”mess”, that the Republican’s have “dunked” themselves. And this might be a possibility for maybe they should’ve tried primarily to fix the economy. But the one difference in this whole argument is the Democratic view of life. For they see financial freedom above that of that of giving people more jobs. This is proved in the whole basis of the argument for if they saw “killing a unborn child” less important than money they would not attack with such fervor the Republican’s choice. Instead they focus, as Wiegel quotes at the end of the article, that a man “tends to vote with his pocketbook” and thus their tactic is to prosper man and lay waste all of his inconvenience regardless of the cost, even when it comes to a human life.
A Christian views each person even unborn as having value and worth. For we are all made in the image of God. Abortion advocates while claiming to love humans, only support those functioning humans, which is evidenced in the mothers’ choice to get an abortion. But this view is even faulty in view of the sheer facts that a fetus will one day be a functioning human and should be treated as thus. The Republicans in their adding of the word “Forcible rape” have only placed responsibility upon those who have put themselves in the situation to get raped. This for the Christian is good in a sense that people are force to be morally responsible and bad in the sense that we have still not eliminated the killing of the unborn.
While jobs are important and Republicans are flawed in many ways the human life is not to be killed for the greater good of the society. We must not misplace our values. With misplaced values we some slander of reality, for it was not by accident (as the Wiegel alludes to) that these leaders been placed into their office but it was by the vote of the people. While the strategy of the Congress is in question, I as a Christian must be honest that I don’t agree with their tactic 100% but can not say that they have sinned in proposing these changes. For by changing the “Rape” to “Forcible Rape” they have made a distinction between those who have willingly placed themselves into rape potential situation and those who did not. With this distinction will make many people gnash their teeth but it is a fact of reality that people place themselves in rape potential situations and thus should be held responsible.
Slandering and accusing without facing the issues is an improper handling of the issues at hand. For these issues must be faced head on and not given up to suit our comforts. As Christians we must be honest that the Republican Party isn’t perfect and should better tackle the economic Crisis at hand. But we can’t shy away from calling our love of materialism what it is. For the economy our country should not be placed as primary above human life.