This was a post in one of my classes where be have been reading the following authors:
Boethius, Augustine and Aquinas in reference to Free will and God's sovereignty seem to focus majorly upon How God foreknows all things and yet it does not imply necessity to mans will. Yet I wonder why they don't address Ephesians 1:4 "4(H) even as he(I) chose us in him(J) before the foundation of the world, that we should be(K) holy and blameless before him." The fact that God chose us. Any idea of choosing something in reality implies that Person A the Choosers has the power and Person B the chosen are without power.
To bring this argument even further Paul goes on to say that we are predestined in vs. 11 "11In him we have obtained(AA) an inheritance,(AB) having been predestined(AC) according to the purpose of him who works all things according to(AD) the counsel of his will, 12so that we who were the first to hope in Christ might be(AE) to the praise of his glory." This seems to not only imply that God foreknows all things but that he is active in choosing us through Predestination.
Not only this passage but later in ch. 2:1 Paul says we were "dead in the trespasses and sins". How can a dead man bring himself back to life unless one who is powerful helps those who are powerless in choosing.
I have a disclaimer. I do see some of the logic in Boethius' arguments yet am still stuck with a desire to be obedient to the Scripture above all. Also I went to a dispensational school Word of life bible institute and was not reformed at all until I got to SWBTS 3 years ago and have been wrestling with these Scriptures.
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