One if the main characteristics of God is Omnipotence. This can be defined as "the ability to do all things in so far as they are logically possible and consistent with His nature."
Thus If God can do everything then anything that God desires is not beyond His reach correct?
Then how come in 1 Timothy 2:4 it says that God "desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth."? This verse in light of our previous conclusions seems to be very conflicting. For if God can do whatever He desires and yet all people are not saved then there must be something in His way.
While I know sin stands in God's way. Do you think our conclusion implies "Free will" might stand in Gods way?
i feel its hard to love something if you have complete controll over it because of that good chose not to take are free will if so mind less zombies pupets to a puppet master